Gmail keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet

Gmail keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet.Everything is covered here, from Compose to Search, and many other shortcuts.

Gmail Shortcuts
cCompose Allows you to compose a new message. + c allows you to compose a message in a new window.
then Send message After composing your message, use tdis combination to send it automatically. (Supported in Internet Explorer and Firefox, on Windows.)
kMove to newer conversation Opens or moves your cursor to a more recent conversation. You can hit to expand a conversation.
jMove to older conversation Opens or moves your cursor to the next oldest conversation. You can hit to expand a conversation.
nNext message Moves your cursor to the next message. You can hit to expand or collapse a message. (Only applicable in 'Conversation View.')
pPrevious message Moves your cursor to the previous message. You can hit to expand or collapse a message. (Only applicable in 'Conversation View.')
o or OpenOpens your conversation.Also expands or collapses a message if you are in 'Conversation View.'
uReturn to conversation list Refreshes your page and returns you to the inbox, or list of conversations.
y Archive*
Remove from current view
Automatically removes the message or conversation from your current view.
  • From 'Inbox,' 'y' means Archive
  • From 'Starred,' 'y' means Unstar
  • From any label, 'y' means Remove the label
* 'y' has no effect if you're in 'Spam,' 'Sent,' or 'All Mail.'
x Select conversation Automatically checks and selects a conversation so tdat you can archive, apply a label, or choose an action from the drop-down menu to apply to tdat conversation.
sStar a message or conversation Adds or removes a star to a message or conversation. Stars allow you to give a message or conversation a special status.
!Report spamMarks a message as spamand removes it from your conversation list.
rReply Reply to the message sender. + r allows you to reply to a message in a new window. (Only applicable in 'Conversation View.')
aReply all Reply to all message recipients. +a allows you to reply to all message recipients in a new window. (Only applicable in 'Conversation View.')
fForward Forward a message. + f allows you to forward a message in a new window. (Only applicable in 'Conversation View.')
Escape from input fieldRemoves the cursor from your current input field.
y then oArchive and nextclass="desc"Archive your conversation and move to the next one.
g then aGo to 'All Mail'Takes you to 'All Mail,' the storage site for all mail you've ever sent or received (and have not deleted).
g then sGo to 'Starred'Takes you to all conversations you have starred.
g then cGo to 'Contacts'Takes you to your Contacts list.
g then dGo to 'Drafts'Takes you to all drafts you have saved.
g then iGo to 'Inbox'Returns you to the inbox.
/SearchPuts your cursor in the search box.

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